- March, 03, 2020
- Posted by: Vitalis Kwena

A spare car key can be the difference of you having a bad or a good day that you would want to forget completely. As an auto locksmith i have come across cases where customers find themselves in very difficult situations after losing their car keys and have no alternative keys.
Most vehicles on the road in Kenya today are used imported and most of them come with a single key. If you buy your car from dealership locally, they should give you at least one extra key.
We have compiled a number of reasons below that I am sure will convince you that you really need to always have a back-up key in case you find yourself in this kind of trouble.
1.It is cost Saving.
When deciding whether to invest on on spare key or not, Many customers look at the cost. Losing your car key mostly comes at a time when you have no budget for such extra expenditure. With the new technology in car keys it means you must code a key for your car to run and that you must have to get it done using your savings or other monies meant for something else.
Replacing a completely lost car key in some cases can be a very expensive affair especially with vehicles with some very complicated security systems. The cost charged by locksmiths for all keys lost situation is higher that duplicating one from the original.
2. Peace of Mind
Nothing gives your a settled mind when you know you have a fall back. Knowing that you always have an alternative gives you a peace of mind. You do not have to worry of what will happen if you lose your key.
3. Accessing keys locked in the car.
Some vehicles are fitted with automatic locking systems and can lock themselves without the user engaging any commands. Young children can also lock themselves in. For some reason you can lock the key inside the car.
Vehicles under VW Group- (VW,Audi,Skoda,seat and porshe) and BMW have a deadlock system which a very complicated locking system. Locking your keys inside them might mean breaking the window if you have no access to professional Emergency Lockout service. Having a spare key will save you this kind of trouble.
4.Convenient for two drivers
Some vehicles come with automatic seats, mirrors, and temperature settings. When a key is used to unlock the vehicle the settings for that driver are automatically changed to the configuration saved for that driver. So the seat will automatically move to the desired location as will the mirrors and temperature gauge.Using one key will disorient this kind of arrangement.
4. Security
Losing your only key can happen anywhere including on the road side, social places or remote areas where you are not sure of security. Having a spare key will only mean you go for it or have it sent to you and you are back on the road!
Ready to make a spare car key? Call Text or Whatsapp 0797118699 Today.